transform yourself

Attend to your mental well-being.

Regain balance and self-belief.

Live by your values.

Mindfulness training in Singapore.
Join a group class. Alternatively,
arrange for a private session or
a corporate workshop.
Offered in person or online.

how does mindfulness work?

who is mindfulness training for?


You are feeling overwhelmed. Strong unwanted thoughts or emotions are making you feel miserable. Even falling asleep at night is hard. If your body does succumb to the exhaustion, you don’t feel rested.

Anxiety or panic is crippling you. Uninvited feelings of fear, doubts or frustration take a toll. Adding to that, you are worn out from bodily pain and discomfort.

Even if you think that you are coping well, there is a nagging sense of restlessness. You feel dissatisfied with the rigidity, restrictions & limitations you are encountering in life.

benefits of mindfulness

The University of Oxford published a mindfulness study in 2013. It described the effectiveness of a mindfulness course for 273 participants. Specifically, after a month, participants reported:


reduction in anxiety levels


reduction in depression


reduction in stress

The American Psychological Association outlines empirically-supported benefits of mindfulness. They include reduced stress, improved memory, better focus, less emotional reactivity, and satisfying relationships.

Here in Singapore, the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) explains that “mindfulness may be helpful to people whether in sickness or health“.

Science journalist Daniel Goleman, & University of Wisconsin neuroscientist Richard Davidson reviewed scientific studies on the subject. They found four definitive benefits from mindfulness: stronger focus, staying calmer under stress, better memory, & good corporate citizenship.

The Institute of Mindful Leadership outlines how mindfulness addresses practical workplace issues. Benefits for businesses include improvement in productivity, strategy and innovation, effective communication, and even working with difficult colleagues.

in good company

Besides courses, retreats and private coaching, Cheen has taught such mind control techniques at admired organisations such as these.

Discover other companies similar to your industry that have started to explore mindfulness-based initiatives. Enquire about mindfulness training in Singapore.


for parents & educators

Children today experience unprecedented, non-stop stimulation in a hyper-connected world. It leads to feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed. Mindfulness seeks to cultivate a sense of calm and balance. Hence techniques are introduced to strengthen attention and emotional self-regulation.

for busy adults

As grown-ups, we shoulder greater responsibilities and expectations. Occasionally we lose sight of what is important amidst the busyness. So mindfulness reminds us to live each moment as fully as we can. The habit offers flexibility and choices, instead of reacting, habituating or withdrawing.

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it started with stress

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in a hospital setting in 1979. Back then, he wanted to help patients cope with stress, pain and illnesses.

Such benefits are now being introduced in schools and the business world. The self-care techniques support individuals to improve their mental health and emotional well-being.

do you act mindlessly?

Do you mechanically consume cigarettes or alcohol to relax? How often do you say or do things that you regretted later? Are you in the habit of ruminating over a comment or an act?

With mindfulness training, reclaim responsibility for your own well-being. By being conscious of your thoughts and actions, you will be making intentional choices instead.
