If you love books, I’ve put together (and keep updated) this list of my go-to references on mindfulness and brain science. I’ve attempted to organise them logically, included brief comments where relevant.
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Primary references on mindfulness
Full Catastrophe Living
by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
This is the mindfulness textbook, a solid 650-page tome, complete with practice instructions and real-world applications
Wherever You Go, There You Are
by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
I enjoyed this book for its bite-size and practical everyday relevance, as well the honesty & insights revealed. It’s meant to be read slowly.
Heal Thy Self
by Saki Santorelli
This is another textbook, from the perspective of medical care. The author argues for mindfulness to support the mind-body ability to heal. Insightful for healthcare professionals.
The Mindfulness Revolution
edited by Barry Boyce
A compilation of various perspectives on mindfulness, organised into four main categories of practice, daily living, health & healing, and on relationships.
Mindfulness for Mental Health
Mindfulness – A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in A Frantic World
by Prof. Mark Williams
Prof Williams was part of the team that published Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) back in 2002 to treat depression. The successful therapy continues to be used today.
Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope
by Johann Hari
Compelling read. The journalist compiled nine causes of depression & anxiety, including disconnection from meaning and people. He then presents seven methods to heal those “lost connections”.
When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress
by Gabor Maté, MD
Through case studies, Dr. Maté explains the link between stress to common diseases like cancer, heart disease & diabetes. He also outlines seven ways to heal.
The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD
by Dr. Lidia Zylowska
Recommended by a psychologist with clients diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Learnt about the challenges faced. Packed with lots of practices.
The Science of Mindfulness
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
by Robert M. Sapolsky
This is a very detailed yet fascinating book on the science of stress. The Prof lightens the seriousness of the topic by peppering witty comments throughout.
The Emotional Life of Your Brain
by Richard Davidson (with Sharon Begley)
Explains the neuroscience of emotions & how our emotional style affects our overall health. The authors propose six dimensions of emotional style & how we can train them.
The Mindful Brain
by Daniel Siegel
Dr. Siegel explains the importance of attention in shaping the way we learn & navigate through our mental lives. Plenty of references to other studies.
The Whole-Brain Child
by Daniel Siegel and Tina Bryson
The book presents 12 strategies to encourage healthy brain development in our children, in order to help them be calmer and happier.
Mindfulness at the Workplace
Finding the Space to Lead
by Janice Marturano
Explores mindfulness in leadership, & the benefits of having a more mindful work culture.
The Leading Brain
by Friederike Fabritius and Hans Hagemann
A convenient compilation of validated neuroscience strategies for deployment in the business world, including a chapter on mindfulness to sharpen focus & sustain flow.
Mindfulness for Families, Children, Schools
The Mindful Child
by Susan Greenland
Targeted at parents, the author describes the introduction & benefits of mindfulness for children.
The Mindful Teacher
by Prof. Dennis Shirley (with Elizabeth MacDonald)
A timely reminder for educators. Amid the pressure to “teach to the test”, how can we support our students’ learning journey by attending to our own well-being?
Teach, Breathe, Learn
by Meena Srinivasan
For school teachers wishing to introduce mindfulness in the classroom. Has 8 sample lessons, developed based on the Understanding by Design (UbD) curriculum framework.
The Way of Mindful Education
by Daniel Rechtschaffen
If the mental training benefits adults so well, imagine the future when every child has the skills for nurturing their hearts, bodies & minds. Packed with sample lessons & scripts.
The Courage to Teach
by Parker J. Palmer
An engaging book for all teachers, academic or otherwise. Reminding us of our decision to teach. Palmer shares insights from his own experience, & calls us to cultivate our inner grounds.
A Pebble For Your Pocket
by Thich Nhat Hanh
A heart-warming collection of short stories. While it has a Buddhist slant, the author explains mindfulness in simple ways. Even as an adult, I found them insightful and entertaining.
Growing Old Mindfully
Galileo and The Art of Ageing Mindfully
by Adam Ford
Delightful book written by an ordained Anglican priest, now retired. Ford has always been fascinated by astronomy & weaves meditative insights to help us understand our place in the universe.
Mindfulness Instructions
Mindfulness in Plain English
by Bhante Gunaratana
I enjoyed the clear description of techniques & tips on overcoming challenges. Useful reference on ways to improve my own practice.
How to Train a Wild Elephant
by Jan Chozen Bays
Weekly mindfulness exercises, sometimes playful, for a whole year. As physician author is also a Zen teacher, expect occasional Buddhist-related insights & life tips.
Next steps: All my teachers emphasized the importance of actual practice. Words can only describe so much. Experience first-hand by attending a public class, arrange for a private session, or plan for a corporate workshop. In-person or online.